Reminder: Salary History Inquiries Now Banned in Columbus, Ohio
Employers operating in Columbus are prohibited from asking job applicants about compensation history as of March 1, 2024.
Columbus' new ordinance is applicable to all employers located within the City of Columbus that employ at least 15 individuals within the city. Similar to other localities that enacted such laws, the goal of the legislation is to promote pay equity.
Columbus' new ordinance bans an employer from:
- Asking about an applicant's salary history, including past and current wages, benefits and/or other compensation;
- Screening applicants based on their salary history;
- Relying solely on the applicant's salary history in making an employment decision and/or in determining compensation (wages, benefits, etc.); and
- Refusing to hire or otherwise disfavoring an applicant for non-disclosure.
Compensation expectations may still be discussed with an applicant.
Exceptions exist for government employers, workers seeking transfers or promotions within a company, or where job compensation is tied to collective bargaining agreements.
Employers operating in Columbus, Ohio should ensure they are compliant with the new legislation immediately. For more information, please see our previous News to Note or review Ordinance 0709-2023.
Posted: March 4, 2024
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