Green Card and Employment Authorization Documents Redesigned
Beginning January 30, 2023, USCIS began issuing Permanent Resident Cards (aka Green Cards) and Employment Authorization Documents (Form I-766/EADs) with a new design, aimed to improve security and prevent document counterfeiting or fraud.
New changes to the cards include:
- improved detailed artwork;
- better integrated tactile printing;
- enhanced optically variable ink;
- secure holographic images on the front and back of the cards;
- a layer-reveal feature with a partial window on the back photo box; and
- differently located data field display.
USCIS may still issue the previous style of Green Cards of EADs as they work through their existing cardstock. It is important to note that current cards remain valid until their expiration date, unless otherwise noted through an automatic extension by USCIS. Both versions of the cards are acceptable for Form I-9 and E-Verify purposes.
Cards are redesigned every three to five years to mitigate security risks.
If you have any additional questions, please contact your sales executive, account manager, or our customer service team.
SOURCE: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Posted: February 2, 2023
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