Colorado Becomes Seventh State to Enact "Clean Slate" Legislation
Senate Bill 22-099 enacts "Clean Slate" legislation in Colorado, allowing for the automatic sealing of arrest records that do not result in a conviction.
In Colorado, after a charge's final disposition, any non-violent crime will be automatically sealed after four years for petty offenses, seven years for misdemeanor offenses, and ten years for felony offenses. Exceptions exist for violent crimes, such as murder, assault, or robbery, and for charges where restitution or court fees have not been repaid.
Consumer reporting agencies will be required to exclude sealed, expunged, or other records that did not result in a conviction from a consumer report.
The legislation was signed into law on June 1, 2022 by Governor Jared Polis. The automatic sealing of records will begin in 2024. Colorado’s "Clean Slate" legislation follows similar laws enacted in Pennsylvania, Utah, Michigan, Connecticut, Delaware, and Oklahoma.
The stated purpose of Colorado's clean slate legislation is to address workforce shortages and minimize barriers to employment for job seekers.
Posted: July 13, 2022
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